More songs about flooding and water

Hip Hop artists respond to Hurricane Katrina Song list: Mos Def – “Dollar Day for New Orleans… Katrina Klap” Lil Wayne – “Georgia Bush” Lil Wayne (feat Robin Thicke) – “Tie My Hands” Jay Z (feat. Neyo) – “Minority Report” Papoose & Razah – “Mother Nature” B. Down & Big Rags – “Katrina” Jay Electronica […]
Centuries of Human-Driven Change in Salt Marsh Ecosystems

Perhaps something for the radio? Centuries of Human-Driven Change in Salt Marsh Ecosystems K. Bromberg Gedan,1 B.R. Silliman,2 and M.D. Bertness1 1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912; email: Keryn, Mark 2Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611; email: Abstract Salt marshes are […]
a story for the marsh, sad

A Marshland Elegy Aldo Leopold from A Sand County Almanac, 1948 A dawn wind stirs on the great marsh. With almost imperceptible slowness it rolls a bank of fog across the wide morass like the white ghost of a glacier the mists advance, riding over phalanxes of tamarack, sliding across bog meadows heavy with dew. […]
salt marshes ameliorate climate change

A warming climate and rising seas will enable salt marshes to more rapidly capture and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, possibly playing a role in slowing the rate of climate change, according to a new study led by a University of Virginia environmental scientist and published in the Sept. 27 issue of the journal […]
degrading salt marshes

Salt marshes have been disintegrating and dying over the past two decades along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and other highly developed coastlines without anyone fully understanding why. This week in the journal Nature, scientist Linda Deegan of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Mass., and colleagues report that nutrients–such as nitrogen and phosphorus […]
songs about floods

Songs about flooding, climate, tides, harbors, marshes, islands, pirate radio When the levee Breaks – Led Zeppelin Thunder Island – Jay Ferguson “Drowned” and “Water in the Sky” — Phish. “God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters” – Moby ‘Down in the Flood’ ~ Sandy Denny ‘Cloudbusting’ ~ Kate Bush when it rains, it […]
the project

Marsh Radio Island Community Supported – Salt Marsh Flotant – Communication Station Marsh Radio Island is a project that activates the interconnectedness of humans and plants in the urban port city ecosystem of Boston by deploying designed flotants (modular salt marsh habitats) for growing salt marsh plant species of the future. It offers a practical […]