9.28 Harbor Boat Journey

Harbor Boat JourneySaturday September 26 4:15-6:45pmNew Bedford Harbor Plotform invites you to participate in Dear Harbor Radio’s growing archive of love and concern for the world around us on a late summer night in New Bedford. We will lead a two hour guided event to inspire, guide, collect, and record your love for a creature or […]
beings: rat tailed maggot

The eggs are laid by strongly polluted water, nowadays these a manure pits. The rat-tailed maggots feeds on organic particles, algae and most often on the bacteria that lives in the manure pit. As there is abundant bacteria and no preditors that can survive in a manure pit, the rat-tailed larva will thrive strongly. http://www.waterwereld.nu/dronefly.php […]
Big Ag is Conquering MN Like A Noxious, Unkillable Weed
From: Big Ag is Conquering MN Like a Noxious, Unkillable Weed “Last year, Luoma Egg Ranch, a large factory farm south of Duluth, was fined $95,000 for allowing chicken excrement and waste eggs to flow into Medicine Creek. Inspectors repeatedly found manure bubbling from a manhole at the farm, tracing it nearly a mile […]
“From Runoff to Ruin”
Excerpts from: From Runoff to Run: The Undoing of Minnesota’s Lakes Inspirations for masks: Native species for rain gardens and natural buffers between agg fields/lawns and lakes Person to interview/add to failure support group: Peter Sorensen @ University of Minnesota; Jim Erkel, attorney for MN center for Environmental Advocacy i.e.: ““It’s death by a thousand cuts,” […]
Eurasian Watermilfoil (invasive, especially in nutrient-rich lakes)
Source: http://www.lakeaccess.org/eurasianwatermilfoil.html Eurasian Watermilfoil can form thick underwater stands of tangled stems and vast mats of vegetation at the water’s surface, especially in nutrient-rich lakes. Potential Problems Interferes with recreational water activities such as boating, fishing, and swimming Crowds out important native aquatic plants which decreases important habitat and diversity in the lake Reflections: Milfoil […]
Toxic Taters meetings at Detroit Lakes library

Location: Calloway, MN Link: Toxic Taters is a grassroots organization. That means that we are led by the people affected and staff are really just there to support the work of the community. Everyone is welcome to take part in our monthly meetings which take place on the 4th Monday of the month at 10am […]
Halting Pines-to-Potatoes

Resource: “DNR halts pines-to-potatoes conversion in central Minnesota” Location: Central MN The Star Tribune reported Sunday that the pines-to-potatoes conversion is part of a bigger, mostly invisible transformation in the watershed that drains into the Upper Mississippi River, a basin that supplies drinking water for 1.7 million people in the Twin Cities. Since 2006, about […]