Water Quality Sing-a-long June 11 2016 Minneapolis Northern Spark

We are excitedly working on a new project: Water Quality Sing-a-long for the fabulous dusk to dawn Northern Spark festival in Minneapolis on June 10-11, 2016.
Water Quality Sing-Along invites people to sing water quality data from Twin Cities watersheds. Located along the Mississippi, the piece focuses on water bodies within the Twin Cities that are often overlooked (puddles, tap water, fountain spray, etc.). We will gather samples and test 30 sites, identifying chemical and bacterial levels to see what affects human and non-human species health.
Join us for a 45-minute performance at dawn to sing this water quality data using a song scale drawn from songs from the last 100 years. Which songs reveal the most degraded water quality and which songs evoke clean water? Plotform, invited singers, and audience participants will walk a chalked map, singing first the present data set and then a possible future one. Can a song scale tell a story about the challenges our watershed faces now and into the future? Can joining our voices together in song create an embodied engagement with this essential element of our individual, community, and ecosystem health? Through this community sing-along, we seek to find out.